28 August 2009

The Moon...

...on a very warm (88) evening.
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21 August 2009

Ploughboys - Morrissey’s Set - St Patrick’s Day, 2009

At Tam O’Shanter, Los Feliz.



From Quotes of the Day, today:

I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.
- Emo Phillips

19 August 2009

Truer Words…

From Quotes of the Day, today:

If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.
- Jay Leno

Now playing: Dan Schutte - A Time Will Come for Singing
via FoxyTunes


The quote on The Literacy Site today:

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
-Walt Streightiff

Now playing: Fleetwood Mac - Second Hand News
via FoxyTunes

09 August 2009

Mystery Flowers

Flowers on the altar at St John this morning. We (at the 11:30) are gaga over the color, and mystified at what they might be…

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02 August 2009

The Birds

I’m at St Michael, on the front porch, waiting for the doors to open. A couple of woodpeckers are discussing things on the telephone pole out front; a blue jay was bopping around, knocking down fruit, in a tree overhanging the patio; and crows are ripping through the trees across the street behind me.

There’s quite a bit of other squawking, tweeting, twittering, squammering, and other carryings-on, too.

The sun is just now starting to break out from the overcast.

Ah! A new day in Boulder Creek!

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