01 February 2004

Capo II

Dratted guitar players!!

So we're getting ready for the Offertory song, and Tom leans around Anne (who wasn't at practice Thursday night, and wasn't terribly thrilled with the prospect of sitting down to play this morning and so was singing) and whispers "Capo II". Yep, except I was playing it as written (E is ever so much nicer than D...). He counts, and we start, and something was WAY off! Had we started in two different places? No... Was I playing the D chords without the capo against Tom's D chords with the capo? No... Was Tom playing the D chords without the capo against my E chords? No...

Somebody has neglected to move his capo from III to II after the Alleluia; hurt me!! Figure this out, fumble for my capo, stick it on the first fret, adjust it a couple times, no problem!!

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