25 May 2008

Nifty: Yummy and Good for You, Too!

From the Mail Online Friday:
Adding rosemary to your steak could reduce cancer risk

“Rosemary is usually added to meat for its flavour, but now there is another reason to use the seasoning - to help prevent cancer.

“Scientists found adding the herb to hamburgers can break up potentially cancer-causing compounds called HCAs (heterocyclic amines) which form when meat is cooked.

“The presence of HCAs can be a particular problem in beef cooked at high temperatures over a long period of time.

“However, research at Kansas State University showed that adding rosemary to beef patties reduced levels of HRAs by 30 to 100 per cent. This is due to the herb's antioxidant properties.

“Adding rosemary is an alternative to cooking meat at lower temperatures.

“Meat-lovers who do not like the flavour of rosemary can use rosemary extract, which can be bought on the internet.…”

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