Spotted in an e-mail just now:
What if we kept tech support local and outsourced the CEOs?
Also spotted in the e-mail:
moar funny pictures
31 December 2007
Bumper Snicker & Kitty Snicker
30 December 2007
Rain Numbers - 30 December 2007
.01", for today
.38", for the storm
5.18", for the month
7.72", for the (rain) year
29 December 2007
Rain Numbers - 29 December 2007
.18", for today
.37", for the storm
5.17", for the month
7.71", for the (rain) year
28 December 2007
Rain Numbers - 28 December 2007
.11", for today
.19", for the storm
4.99", for the month
7.53", for the (rain) year
27 December 2007
Rain Numbers - 27 December 2007
.08", for today
.08", for the storm
4.88", for the month
7.42", for the (rain) year
Gentle Instruction
Today’s Daily Reflection from the Society of the Little Flower:
“Jesus needs neither books nor Doctors of Divinity in order to instruct souls; He, the Doctor of Doctors, He teaches without noise of words.”
-St. Thèrése of Lisieux
26 December 2007
Rain Numbers - 26 December 2007
.02", for today
.02", for the storm
4.80", for the month
7.34", for the (rain) year
25 December 2007
A Different Path
Spotted on a genealogy page, whilst tracking down Hanrahans:
“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the people of old; seek what they sought.”
- Matsuo Basho
Japanese poet, 1644-94
22 December 2007
Bumper Snicker
Spotted just now on the wc9s (walking_cane-9s) list (thanks, Joanne and Phoenix):
Every morning is the dawn of a new error.
Be Careful What You Ask…
From Quotes of the Day, today:
Everywhere I go I’m asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don’t stifle enough of them. There’s many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher.
- Flannery O’Connor
14 December 2007
Bumper Snicker
Spotted this morning on the BBEdit-Talk list:
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on a mailing list?
Listening to: Los Straitjackets - Here Comes Santa Claus
via FoxyTunes
06 December 2007
Goofiest 404 Error Ever?
A friend of ours in Columbus is a member of The Potter’s House Church of God, and sings in the choir. Part of the church's ministry is broadcasting their Sunday services on TV, which they subsequently make available on the Web. Wanting to hear Stan and the choir last night, I clicked on the TV link and then on the Last Week Service video link, and got something looking more or less like this, except the number last night was 404 (I’m kicking myself for not grabbing a screen shot last night…):
Listening to: Keith Emerson - I Saw Three Ships
via FoxyTunes
05 December 2007
First Snowfall in the Corporation
It started before 1:30 this morning, and by 9:00, there was 4" of snow on top of the Rav4 (awfully good thing we got to Hertz Saturday and traded in the Honda for the Rav…). Stan did get Brett to the airport on time, however.
We debated driving up Hilliard-Rome Rd. vs continuing on Broad St. to 270, and turned onto H-R behind an Ashley Furniture delivery truck; hey, if a vehicle that size can make it, so can we, right?
Ha!! As soon as we got onto H-R, we slowed to less than 5 mph. As soon as we could, we turned around and got back on Broad St. Traffic on northbound 270 was going about as slowly as it had been on H-R, but what is a mother to do?
All the excitement seems to have been gawkers at a van and a Freeway Patrol vehicle parked on the left shoulder up near Cemetery Rd., sitting there doing nothing. Ho hum.
We passed a little field with spruce-looking trees at the back, and the bare-bush screen in front. The field was under snow, the trees had the perfect Christmas tree snow look, and the bushes in front had every branch topped with snow. Where’s the husband with camera when you need him???
Listening to: Miles Davis - Blue Christmas
via FoxyTunes
01 December 2007
The Art of Giving
On the spine of this month’s Real Simple:
Giving presents is a talent; to know what a person wants… to give it lovingly and well.”
-Pamela Glenconner
04 October 2007
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Finest kind (of course)!
What Kind of Reader Are You? Your Result: Dedicated Reader You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more. | |
Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm | |
Literate Good Citizen | |
Book Snob | |
Fad Reader | |
Non-Reader | |
What Kind of Reader Are You? Create Your Own Quiz |
Listening to: The Hollies - Long Dark Road
via FoxyTunes
03 September 2007
Geography Lesson
Acampo is just up Hwy. 99 from Lodi, in Central California. In the general vicinity can be found:
- Always Enough Ranch
- Woodbridge Winery
- Jewel Winery
- Housley’s Century Oak Winery
- Jessie’s Grove Winery
- Cottage Bakery
- and, of course, Lodi Airport
Listening to: Stephen Petrunak - Jesus, The Lord
via FoxyTunes
Insights on Cold Storage’s Word For the Day today:
Today my prayer consisted in simply going to my heart and remembering all the folks I’ve stored there. It is not cold storage. It is a quite warm and tender place.
-Sr Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB, A Tree Full of Angels
Listening to: Dan Fogelberg - Longer
via FoxyTunes
02 September 2007
Already Loving You
From’s Word of the Day (solecism), today:
Her English is good, apart from a few stubborn idiosyncrasies of preposition and tense, but these are music to me, sung solecisms -- how else to describe “I am already loving you,” her first declaration of feeling for me, now two years old?
-- Ronan Bennett, The Catastrophist
Listening to: Apollo 100 - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
via FoxyTunes
29 August 2007
Flunking Geography?
From Quotes of the Day, today:
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.
- Paul Fix
Listening to: Stephen Petrunak - With Hope And Healing
via FoxyTunes
26 August 2007
Waxing Philosophical
From Quotes of the Day, today:
The glory of great men should always be measured by the means they have used to acquire it.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
22 August 2007
Light, Darkness, and the Stars’s Word For the Day today:
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.
-Og Mandino
30 July 2007
Laws of Physics?
From Quotes of the Day, today:
We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.
- Wernher von Braun
01 July 2007
The Worst Your Mom Can Do Is Say No…
On the spine of this month’s Real Simple:
Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want.
-Joseph Wood Krutch
29 June 2007
I Can’t Believe It!!!!
Someone, particularly someone in the biz, actually isn’t worshiping the ground Michael Moore walks on. I’m not sure I can cope.
‘Sicko’: Heavily Doctored
By Kurt Loder
Is Michael Moore’s prescription worse than the disease?
“…Unfortunately, Moore is also a con man of a very brazen sort, and never more so than in this film. His cherry-picked facts, manipulative interviews (with lingering close-ups of distraught people breaking down in tears) and blithe assertions (how does he know 18 million people will die this year because they have no health insurance?) are so stacked that you can feel his whole argument sliding sideways as the picture unspools. The American health-care system is in urgent need of reform, no question. Some 47 million people are uninsured (although many are only temporarily so, being either in-between jobs or young enough not to feel a pressing need to buy health insurance). There are a number of proposals as to what might be done to correct this situation. Moore has no use for any of them, save one.
“As a proud socialist, the director appears to feel that there are few problems in life that can’t be solved by government regulation (that would be the same government that’s already given us the U.S. Postal Service and the Department of Motor Vehicles). In the case of health care, though, Americans have never been keen on socialized medicine. In 1993, when one of Moore’s heroes, Hillary Clinton (he actually blurts out the word “sexy!” in describing her in the movie), tried to create a government-controlled health care system, her failed attempt to do so helped deliver the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives into Republican control for the next dozen years. Moore still looks upon Clinton’s plan as a grand idea, one that Americans, being not very bright, unwisely rejected. (He may be having second thoughts about Hillary herself, though: In the movie he heavily emphasizes the fact that, among politicians, she accepts the second-largest amount of political money from the health care industry.)…”
Let’s see - he’s a “socialist”; he wants more government regulation (isn’t that supposed to be a Republican failing?); he’s got the hots for Hillary Clinton; he’s so enamored of himself and his solutions for the world’s ills he prostitutes himself to, himself? Sure! Jump on his entitlement bandwagon!
Sounds like he’s the one who’s not too bright…
01 June 2007
Not Only Is the Pope Catholic, but the Archbishop is not Episcopalian
:::smiting forehead with heel of palm::: Whodathunk!?!?!
This just in: Burke not Episcopalian:
Posted by Mollie
“Washington Post reporter Peter Slevin vented on St. Louis Roman Catholic Archbishop Raymond Burke in this diatribe news article published today.
“It’s a very curious read. Anyone wanting to know more about Burke or his theological approach to his office will be disappointed…”
Perfect Timing on an Apropo Quote
Today’s AWAD X-bonus:
Let your tears come. Let them water your soul.
-Eileen Mayhew
Last night, Jon mentioned that he was planning to do (Josh Groban’s) You Raise Me Up with the men and boys choir this summer…
Now playing: Till Brönner - A Distant Episode
via FoxyTunes
25 May 2007
How Many of Me (maiden name)?
Additionally, there are 138,886 Maureens and 5,465 Hanrahans in the US, according to HowManyOfMe.
19 May 2007
Public Humiliation in the Internet Era
Yes, another offering from Randy Cassingham!
Public Humiliation vs. Real Punishment:
“Well of course I have the photos of the bikini-clad fireman. But first things first — here’s the story:
“Visitors at a park in Mason, Ohio, called police after an apparently drunk man climbed into his pickup truck and started driving around, including near the children’s play area. When an officer arrived, ‘I observed [the suspect] to be wearing a very skimpy woman’s… bikini with two tan water balloons taped to the top to simulate two woman’s breasts and a pair of pink Speedo flip-flop sandals,’…”
This guy shouldn’t let himself be seen in public, sober and no wig, in a Speedo, much less a stuffed bikini. Oi!
Throw the book at him.
11 May 2007
The Inaugural 2007 (Indy) Deck Sit
We went to Joe’s Crab Shack for dinner tonight. It was quite pleasant out, so we sat on the deck. Good choice!! And the food was good, of course.
They serve their strawberry daquiris in tall cylindrical glasses, with NO whipped cream! I’m gonna have to try one the next time we’re there.
10 May 2007
Furry Fiends
On today:
Bushy-tailed suspect attacks school, escapes:
“It was a warm morning Wednesday at Evergreen Elementary School and the door to the first grade classroom was open to let in the air. Inside, 20 first-graders twittered excitedly, waiting to leave on a field trip.
“Suddenly, a squirrel darted into the room, ran up the leg of one of the mothers chaperoning the trip and bit her, then bit another parent and an 11-year-old student passing by the room.
“After a call to police at 8:43 a.m., officers quickly arrived at the South San Jose school, followed later by animal control....”
09 May 2007
The Pope Is Being Catholic. Again.
From today:
Pope Rejects Pro-Choice Politicians:
“…On Wednesday, as he flew toward his much anticipated five-day trip in Brazil, the Pope addressed the question of the ‘good standing’ of Catholic politicians who support abortion rights — a delicate issue that has come up in the U.S., Europe and, most recently, Mexico. During an unprecedented 25-minute on-flight press conference, Benedict left little room for interpretation:…”
27 April 2007
Chizen is Chizlin’?
I hadn’t run into the phrase “Pot-Kettle-Black Olympics” before, but it certainly seems to apply to Bruce Chizen’s (CEO of Adobe) chiding of Microsoft's less-than-stellar cross-platform “equality”:
Bruce Chizen and Selective Criticism
21 April 2007
18 April 2007
I Think Dubyah Has Forgotten About *Us*
No, I’m not surprised…
From the Chicago Tribune this morning:
"Prosecutors owe loyalty to the public:
“When Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain his role in the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, it is important to keep in mind that what is really at stake goes far beyond Gonzales’ own fate as the country’s top law official. At root, this inquiry poses a fundamental question, one that every attorney general in every presidential administration must squarely confront: To whom, or to what interests, does a U.S. attorney -- or, for that matter, any prosecutor -- owe professional loyalty?
“This is a question that needs to be discussed openly throughout the hearing process, for all parties to the justice system -- be they subjects of investigations, victims, prosecutors or defense lawyers, and whether they reside in Chicago, New Mexico or Durham, N.C. -- are entitled to know exactly how the Department of Justice leadership would answer the question.
“The “loyalty” question is not some abstract concept about politics and ideology. Rather, it is a question with important practical consequences that are tied to the central role of prosecutors in our justice system. Prosecutors alone have the power to present an indictment to a grand jury, an awesome power that, once executed, typically changes the course of lives forever.…”
09 April 2007
Which Serenity Character Am I?
Your results:
You are Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)
| Dependable and trustworthy. You love your significant other and you are a tough cookie when in a conflict. ![]() |
Click here to take the "Which Serenity character are you?" quiz...
07 April 2007
Bumper Snicker
Spotted in a .sig on a techie list:
Maybe our soldiers would receive better medical care and benefits if they gave up their citizenship and declared themselves illegal aliens.
Jack Rodgers
04 April 2007
Which Church Father?
You’re St. Melito of Sardis! You have a great love of history and liturgy. You’re attached to the traditions of the ancients, yet you recognize that the old world — great as it was — is passing away. You are loyal to the customs of your family, though you do not hesitate to call family members to account for their sins. Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers! |
24 March 2007
Subject: Interesting
July, 1947
Many will recall that on 8 July 1947 witnesses claim an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the US Air Force and the Federal Government.
However, you may NOT know that in the month of March, 1948, roughly nine months after that historic day, Albert Arnold Gore, Jr; Hillary Rodham; John F Kerry; William Jefferson Clinton; Howard Dean; Nancy Pelosi; Dianne Feinstein; Charles E Schumer; and Barbara Boxer were born.
I hope that this information has cleared up a lot of things you may have been wondering about.
11 March 2007
Hoist on My Own...
RenRen and I went to Atlanta Bread Company for breakfast this morning after Mass, like we usually do. After our usual agonizing over the menu, I ordered a California Avocado sandwich, no dill sauce, add mayo; and a tall hot chocolate, no sour cream.
Yep. You heard right: sour cream. I still have no idea where that came from… We did get it straight, and it arrived with no whipped cream. Whew!!
10 March 2007
Never a Dull Moment at Steak ’n Shake…
…even though I went in to order this time…
I ordered my stuff, including a chocolate malt; Brett’s stuff; and RenRen’s stuff, her usual: a grilled cheese sandwich, with mustard and pickles cooked in (it’s just a bit unnatural having to spec them cooked in…), beef and veggie soup, and cottage cheese.
15 minutes later, my malt showed up, with the latest fad garbage (whipped cream and a cherry??!) on top; my bad: I know better, but forgot to call them off. It was a malt, however.
Another five or so minutes went by. As I was idling around the front of the store, one of boys ran out from the kitchen into the parking lot, and darned near got himself run over by the SUV motoring by. Shortly thereafter, two young teenyboppers and their swains wandered in, the girls laughing hysterically. They’d been through the drive-through and gotten mustard and pickles in the grilled cheese sandwich, which one of them proceeded to whip out onto the counter, in its black clamshell, complete with fries. It was the grossest, weirdest thing they’d ever seen. Of course, as one of them put it, “I’ve never seen one like that before!!”
While they were still giggling and snorting over that, the two bags with my order came up. I asked if my grilled cheese sandwich was in there, and was assured that it was. Upon checking anyway, I found the girls’ grilled cheese sandwich, wrapped up in paper with no fries. And no mustard or pickles.
I got someone’s attention and requested the sandwich I’d ordered. A couple of minutes later, a black clamshell was brought to the counter. Inside was a cheese sandwich with mustard and pickles on rather raw-looking bread, and no fries.
“Besides that the cheese isn’t melted, where are the fries?” says I.
“You got them…”, whilst looking at the bags suspiciously, was the reply.
“No. They were with the grilled cheese sandwich you gave them,” pointing over at the teenyboppers, who were still hanging around with the swains, chatting up the kid who had dashed out previously.
Back went the clamshell. It returned in another bag, complete with a cone of fries. “I melted the cheese, too,” I was told.
The poor assistant manager apologized and gave me a gift card for my troubles.
There were no complaints when I got home, except mine over the stuff on the malt, but that’s my own fault, so it doesn’t count.
09 March 2007
Words of Wisdom? or a Warning?
From Quotes of the Day, today:
Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything.
- Frank Dane
One Record I Didn’t Want To Be Part Of
The weather moose is reporting this morning that last month was one of the coldest on record in Indianapolis…
OTOH, many of the most significant floods to hit Indiana have occurred during March.
06 March 2007
Shark in the Knapsack?
Getting ready for work this morning, pulled my badge out of its pocket in RedBook’s house, as usual, and went about my business. At the badge reader, I grabbed the badge, only to discover it was very neatly cut almost all the way along the long side, not too far away from the mag strip. Fortunately, the badge reader didn't fuss, and neither did the guy at security when I wandered down for a replacement.
05 March 2007
Philosophers… :::shaking head:::
From Quotes of the Day, today:
Nihilism is best done by professionals.
- Iggy Pop
04 March 2007
01 March 2007
The Bears Do Right By Lovie Smith
On (Chicago) today:
Phillips had no choice but to show Lovie the money
Sun-Times Columnist
“It’s a peaceful place of business, Halas Hall, surrounded by trees and chirping birds and only occasionally disrupted by a train whistle. But as a bunker, it doesn’t work, not when angry fans and disgusted media turn a post-Super Bowl mourning period into a protest march. The Bears didn’t have a chance in the public arena when it came to Lovie Smith’s contract impasse, which overwhelmed them like the Indianapolis offense.
“They were battered in the papers, skewered on the radio, ripped on national TV shows. They were called cheap, petty, unfair, inhumane, even racist. You could say team boss Ted Phillips at least had family and friends on his side, but it might not have been true. Unless Tightwad Ted and various McCaskeys wanted to walk around town in camouflage for the rest of their lives, they had no choice but to reward Smith with a market-value contract.
“Wednesday night, after too many tense days and contentious negotiating sessions, they finally buckled. A deal that should have been cut weeks before the Super Bowl finally got done on the last day of February, with Smith agreeing to a four-year, $22 million extension that must have had Phillips cringing, cussing and crying for a straitjacket. They can talk all they want today about how the media overblew the story, but this can’t be disputed: The Bears tried to lowball Lovie, originally offering $2 million a year less than the agreed-upon $5.5 million average, and Smith and agent Frank (Jack) Bauer told them to stick their offer where the Vince Lombardi Trophy doesn’t shine. The Lovester didn’t blink.
“Teddy Bear did.…”
The Weather Moose
NOAA’s (am I the only one bothered by NOAA’s being under the Dept. of Commerce??) National Weather Radio broadcasts weather information in the VHF spectrum. The NWS lists the stations nationwide and where weather radios can be had.
And, yes, the voice is very reminiscent of the Talking Moose…
Interesting Take on Human Relations…
From Quotes of the Day, today:
Men are not against you; they are merely for themselves.
- Gene Fowler
Midwest Weather
A short-lived thunderstorm cell blew through the south side of Indy this morning about 3:00? 3:30?
It was spectacular! The sound was huge; not just loud, but huge!!! I saw mostly sheet lightening; there was just one strike, to the north. The thunder was quite interesting: when the bolt struck, the thunder clap was a big, loud bang; when the sheets struck, the sound was loud, but quite a bit more difuse…
We (in Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Johnson, Marion, Morgan, and Tipton counties) are currently under tornado watch 45, in effect until 7:00 (EST) / 6:00 (CST) this evening. Check USGenWeb’s map of Indiana; the counties are labeled.
Until recently, Marion County were also under flood watch; in addition to up to an inch of rain today, snow melt is still happening. The flood watch area has moved to north of Rockville Rd.
We also have a wind advisory in effect tomorrow from 9:00a to 6:00p (EST). Sustained winds of 35 mph and gusts up to 45 mph are expected.
27 February 2007
Ever Wonder Where…
…Montréal got its name?
“The largest city in the Canadian province of Québec and the largest inland port in the world, Montréal takes its name from a distinctive landscape feature at the center of the city. Mont-Royal (“royal mountain” in French) rises to an elevation of 233 meters (about 764 feet) at Colline de la Croix peak. The mountain is sometimes identified in guidebooks as an extinct volcano, but the types of igneous rock found at Mont-Royal suggest the mountain is more likely to be the remnants of magma chambers that once fed surface volcanoes than a surface volcano itself.…”
Fire Alarms from Orbit
NASA’s doing some pretty interesting things with their satellites these days; caught this in the Earth Observatory e-mail today:
““There’s a fire season somewhere in South Africa all the time,” says researcher Philip Frost of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). During the dry summer, fires sweep over the landscape on the southwest coast, and the warm, dry winters in the northeast spur grass fires that consume the savanna. South Africa also has a subculture that views fire as a tool for everything from hunting and land management to encouraging rain. Fire is a daily problem in South Africa.…”
Is This Guy Following Me Around???
From Quotes of the Day, today:
Where is human nature so weak as in the bookstore?
- Henry Ward Beecher
26 February 2007
Governmental Nonsense, er,
From Quotes of the Day, today:
There is no nonsense so errant that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action.
- Bertrand Russell
23 February 2007
God and Makeup
From Quotes of the Day, today:
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God’s final word on where your lips end.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Amen, brother!!
22 February 2007
Always Check Your Order At the Drive-Through
RenRen and I stopped at the Steak ’n Shake at Southport and 37 to pick up dinner tonight after choir rehearsal. We hit the drive-through, and she ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, mustard and pickles cooked in.
When we got to the window, the fellow asked, to double-check, whether she had asked for mustard or ketchup; he thought he remembered hearing mustard, but he’d pushed the ketchup button. Near-pandemonium reigned in the Vue for a minute (we came this close to needing a medic… ;-), but we did get him straightened out in the end.
Now playing: Dan Schutte - Glory to God
via FoxyTunes
21 February 2007
Bermuda Acoustic Trio
One of my nieces got a account a while back, and invited me to look at something, which required me to get my own account. Every now and again, I get a “I want to be your friend/I want you to be my friend” request from someone at myspace.
Some of them are from people who seem to be on the up-and-up, some of them are obvious sex come-ons, most of them I can’t figure out what conection there might be between us.
I got one yesterday from the Bermuda Acoustic Trio, from Modena, Italy. Their name sounded, and looked, close enough to the Boulder Acoustic Society (who have played at Don Quixote’s in Felton) that I went ahead and clicked through to their page. As every other band at myspace does, they have a few of their songs set up to play, in rotation, when your first arrive at the page. When I arrived, the page started playing A Casa; OMG, it’s one of those grab-you-by-the-lapels (and doesn’t let go) and thump-you-upside-the-head moments. Gawd, it’s gorgeous!!
They also have a very interesting version of Sultans of Swing. Check them out!
Ash Wednesday Strikes
We went to lunch at the Airport Deli, planning to get either their Wisconsin Cheddar soup or a tuna melt (or maybe a tortellini salad), in honor of the day; they close at 4:00p, we arrived at 2:00p.
The specials board was off the wall, the salads were pulled from the display case, and it got worse: they’d prepared two trays of egg salad and two and a half trays of tuna salad (about 25 sandwiches worth), and had none left!! Fortunately, RenRen noticed grilled cheese on the menu…
Good thing we weren’t planning for lunch to be the meal of the day!
Now playing: Trammell Starks - Creature Regions
via FoxyTunes
14 February 2007
The Passing of a Noble Soul
MacCormac crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon… His beans’ hearts are lying on the floor, shredded.
13 February 2007
Boots Through the Snow
Got up this morning (late; it’s a snow day, and yes, it’s snowing…) and puttered around the doghouse for a while. About 1:30p, I wandered over to the cathouse, leaving a trail of boot prints behind. About 6:00p, I went back to the doghouse to get something to drink with dinner, and… no footprints. Back to the cathouse for dinner and sociability until about 11:00p. Back to the doghouse, and… no footprints! (Next morning, still no trace of having wandered back the night before).
12 February 2007
You Know It’s Bad…
…when your boss comes in about 2:30 in the afternoon, and says, “You people are NOT coming in tomorrow, are you??”
OK, so we have a snow day tomorrow…